May 28, 2019

The Enemy Neighbor

May 28, 2019


Today’s reading: Matthew 5:43-48
This week’s challenge: ASK


We meet people everywhere – on a walk, at the grocery store, or in your favorite restaurant or coffee shop. We encounter servers, retail employees, other patrons, and countless other individuals on a daily basis. All these people have differing backgrounds, political and ideological beliefs, assumptions, hopes, fears, and dreams. But they all have one thing in common: They were created by God. And if we’re near them, they are our neighbors.

This week’s challenge: Ask.
This week, your challenge is to reach out and ask one of these people if you can pray for them and how. If this seems daunting, it can be as simple as explaining what we are doing here at the church. Try saying, “This may seem strange, but my church is doing a challenge to help us be better neighbors, and today I’m just here to ask if there’s anything I can pray about for you.” You’ll be surprised how many people will be touched that you asked, and it’s a great opportunity to shine Christ’s light for people who may not be used to seeing it.

Ideas to complete this challenge:

  1. Plan a meal at a local restaurant. Be intentional about asking your server how you can pray for them before you receive your food.
  2. As you check out, ask the grocery clerk how you can be in prayer for them or their family.
  3. Looking back at week 2, are you still not at peace with someone? If so, ask that person if there is something that you can pray about for them?
  4. Don’t forget to stop by the Neighbor Wall outside of Haney Hall on your way to worship this weekend to mark your progress and how you were able to pray for, communicate with, and invite your neighbors into deeper relationship this week! And if there’s a particular story of impact from the week, would you share that with Rev. Shelby Slowey?

Ministry Spotlight: Harvest Hands

Harvest Hands is a catalyst for Christ-centered, holistic community development working alongside their neighbors to further education, healthy living, spiritual formation, and economic development in South Nashville. Harvest Hands is practicing the art of neighboring through facilitating after-school programming and local sports leagues, as well as employing and empowering local youth with employment skills and mentorship. Learn more about how you can join Harvest Hands in loving our neighbors in South Nashville.