April 27, 2019

Comparing Self with Others?

April 27, 2019


John 21:20-22
This weekend’s reading: John 21:15-17


Peter looks at the disciples and then notices John.  He asked, “Jesus, what about him?”  There is a nuance here that many of us miss.  The nuance is, “Jesus, you still want me to lead your church.  But what about John?  Shouldn’t he be the one to lead your church?  He never failed you.  He didn’t run.  He didn’t deny you.  He was in the courtyard close to you when I denied you.  He followed you to the foot of the cross, and you trust him enough to take care of your mom.  We all know he’s the one that you love the most.  Shouldn’t he be the leader of your church.”
Jesus’ answer was simple, “What I have for John, what is that concern for you?  Now come on, follow me!”
Let me rephrase it in my version.  “What I have for John to do is something else.  Don’t worry about him.  What I have for you to do, I have for you to do.  Now, come on.  Follow me!”
Ever compare yourself to others, thinking that they are more deserving or thinking that you are more deserving? I know I do.  Yet, after all these years, I’m learning “to be content in whatever state that I am” (Philippians 4:11).  I’m still learning to trust God letting God help me be the best I am without comparing myself to others.  And you….?


  • Who are people in your lives who you thought were better than you?
  • Who are people in your lives about whom you feel you are better?
  • In what ways might you trust God to let you be the person God created you to be?


  • Discuss how tempting it is to think others are not as good as you.
  • Discuss how tempting it is to think you are better than others.
  • Discuss what it means to be the person God created you to be, no matter whether others are better than you or not.


Most loving gracious, Lord, thank you for creating me.  There are times I want to be different.  I pray that you help me accept me for me.  I pray that you help me grow into that special image you had in mind when you first thought of me.  I pray you will help me love others as people of sacred worth, not better nor worse than me. In your gracious name, I pray. Amen.