March 14, 2019

Do Good, part 2

March 14, 2019


1 John 2:1-6
This weekend’s reading: Mark 14:43-52

Following these three simple rules; do no harm, do good, and staying in love “…is not what many of us have been doing, so to adopt this way is a radical shift in our lifestyle…It is a radical departure from our regular way of living, so of course it will be difficult.” “The rules are simple, but the way is not easy,” Job writes. “Only those with great courage will attempt it, and only those with great faith will be able to walk this exciting and demanding way.”

The core of Wesley’s message was that God loves us all, Job said. “All of us are the apples of God’s eye. We all can claim our full inheritance as God’s children.” [Interview with Job, Kathy L. Gilbert, United Methodist News Service news writer based in Nashville, Tenn.]

Okay, so it is hard and demands our persistent awareness of our thoughts, actions, environment, and behavior. It is sacrificial by character…worthy of Jesus. Possibly it sounds overwhelming. Thankfully, we live breath by breath…moments in which we can ask, what is the best good here? 


  • Today, while you are doing no harm, do some good. Be on the lookout for it!
  • At the end of each day, think about how you felt, thought and behaved in relation to this person. What changed? What did you learn?

Good God of love and peace, grant us grace to walk in your transforming presence so that your goodness may wash over us and flow through us to touch those who touch our lives.  We offer our prayers and our lives in the name of Jesus. Amen.