September 29, 2017

Do I Have to Wait?

September 28, 2017


Psalm 25:1-9

Ezekiel 12:17-28

James 4:11-16

This week’s sermon text:  Romans 7:14-25


In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven society, most people do not like to wait for anything. We often say things like, “I cannot wait until Christmas,” or “I cannot wait until the semester ends,” or “I can’t wait until my vacation.” I know I’ve said all of these statements before!

In all of Psalm 25, David references waiting 3 times in his prayer. Sometimes we need to be patient and wait for God to act, which ultimately takes a lot of trust too. For us to wait, we must trust that God is at work and that God will work through us and through the situations that we encounter.

If you’re currently in a season of waiting, consider embracing the time and asking what you can learn in the season of waiting and find ways to encourage other people.


  • Do you have a difficult time waiting?
  • Do you struggle with being patient with God? If so, why do you think that is?
  • Is there an area of your life where you could practice waiting and patience this week?


  • Who is the most patient person you know?
  • What can you learn from them?

Prayer Guide

God, help me to understand that my timing is not your timing. When I grow impatient this week, help me to take a step back and practice patience. In seasons of waiting, help me to have eyes to see you at work. For those who I know who are in a season of waiting, grant them an extra measure of patience too. Amen.