November 20, 2017

Offering Plates – Means of Grace and a Portal for Ministry

Monday, November 20, 2017


Romans 15:22-33

This weekend’s reading: Matthew 25:31-46

Our confirmation class led worship on Confirmation Sunday. The girl introducing the offering said, “This is our confirmation book. Our church paid $10 for me to have this book. We’ve learned a lot through this book. I want you to know, that your $10 gave me a priceless experience in growing with Christ.” We then took up the offering.

That experience opened my eyes to the awesomeness of offering plates. Until that time, I viewed the offering plates as a means to receive money. After that moment, I realized that the offering plates were both a means of God’s grace helping others as well as a portal to be transformed.

Just as the churches in Macedonia and Archaia (verse 26) gave offerings for the saints at Jerusalem, our Brentwood UMC offering plates are portals through which we give for ministries, for people in need, whether here in our church, the Nashville area, the US, or overseas.

In this week of Thanksgiving, these offering plates are a means through which we can share our thanks for God’s presence in our lives, while at the same time help others experience the love and grace of Christ.


  • This week of Thanksgiving, pause and think of all the people your offering is helping?
  • Why not stop and praise God right now for giving you the money through which you can help others?


  • In what ways has your family benefited from the many Brentwood UMC ministries?

Lord, as the offering plate is passed, please use this simple act of my giving money to make a big difference in other people’s relationship with you. In your gracious name, I pray. Amen.